

I am a Full-Stack Web & Software Developer with over fifteen years of experience. Over countless hours I have discovered that I have a passion and talent for creating works that are both highly functional and technically sound.

I have also discovered that I have a knack for understanding new theories & concepts – I am an adamant perfectionist when it comes to just about anything I do.

Current Skill set

  • Responsive Mobile first HTML & CSS3 – Bootstrap, SASS
  • JavaScript (Vanilla JS, JQuery, Angular)
  • PHP (Web Server & CRON)
  • CRM / CMS packages – WordPress, OsCommerce, Marketo
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • SEO & PPC
  • Java
  • Python
Legacy Technology
  • ASP (classic)
  • Visual Basic
  • Adobe Flash
Software Packages
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MySQL
  • Jet Brains Web Suite
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • Maya 3d
  • and more…


At the start of 2019, I am entering my 4th year of a 6 year course Studying a Bachelor of
Computer Science with gaming specialisation at Charles Sturt University



A license Pyrotechnician in the state of N.S.W. Australia for over twenty years, performing
professional grade pyrotechnic shows ranging from from Chinese String Crackers, Indoor Close
Proximity Fireworks, Aerial Shells up to 125mm and Aerial Salutes up to 75mm.

A founding member of the Pyrotechnics Industry Association of Australia (PIAA), Based in Sydney
but have performing shows all over NSW for all types of events.

Car Enthusiast

An active member in the Skylines Australia NSW car club I regularly volunteer to help run events.

Social Media

You can connect with me professionally on LinkedIn,
or stalk me through Twitter



Wizardry Fireworks

PRODOCOM Australia

Hannover Fairs Australia

E-Web Marketing

Freelance Websites

Personal Projects

Tipping Comp


National Pyrotechnics

iblott accessories


How to create an event using .ICS Files for Apple’s iCal or Microsoft’s Outlook

.ICS files allow you to be able to create small files that you can either include in an email campaign or link to on your website that will enable you to add, edit or even cancel events in people’s calendar without the requirement of them needing to fill out any of the details.

These files are commonly called iCal, vCalendar or iCalendar and often use various extensions such as .ics, .ical, .ifb & .icalendar

To create an event, the goal is to produce a small text file that contains the following:

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN
SUMMARY:SAUNSW Texikhana, S.O.S. proudly supported by Unigroup Engineering
LOCATION:Nirimba Airfield/TAFE/Skidpan
DESCRIPTION:S A U N S W - Texi, Sos, 15Th July 2012

Breaking this code down, it’s quite simple to see what each line is doing:

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN

These 3 lines of code tell the receiving program what the following content is buy using the BEGIN code “this is a vCalendar file”. It then used VERSION to indicated the context of the following code. The PRODID is simply the name of the program that created the file and you can basically enter in what ever string you want in this section.


Indicated that this is a EVENT file and it is the beginning of the even information.

Is a unique identifier for this file. It is used so that you can control future actions of this even easily.


When the file was created. (NOTE: all time are strictly 24H GMT)


Who the organiser of this event.


When the event is going to start (NOTE: all time are strictly 24H GMT)


When the event is going to end (NOTE: all time are strictly24H GMT)

SUMMARY:SAUNSW Texikhana, S.O.S. proudly supported by Unigroup Engineering

The summary will appear in the small field in outlook and will be the content that shows when the user is viewing the calendar one of the various overview modes.

LOCATION:Nirimba Airfield/TAFE/Skidpan

Set the location of the event.

DESCRIPTION:S A U N S W - Texi, Sos, 15Th July 2012

The description is the bulk of the event content. It is where you would put all the finer details about the event like EST costs, what to bring etc.


Let the program know this is now the end the event content.


Let the program know this is now the end the .ics file.


This all seems pretty basic. However, there are numerous amounts of additional commands you can include into an .ICS file that can control a lot more actions:

In an event you can inclued a VALARM command that will allow you cause the calendar application to alert the user in advanced of the event coming up.

Entering the following command inside the VEVENT will enable this


This is again pretty straight forward, We have a BEGIN and END tag to describe the content contained is a VALARM, a TRIGGER which is the time to perform the reminder in YYYMMDD-T-HHMMSS (24H GMT time once again), an ACTION tag which allows you to set what to do and a DESCRIPTION where you can set what data to show the user when the reminder appears.

Updating an event

For sending an UPDATE for an event the UID should match the original UID and you should add the following tag inside theBEGIN:VEVENT in the new file


Where x = the upper most sequence used in the history of the event.

Cancelling an event

You can also cancel an event using the same method. Te following tags will allow the cancellation and a status message to show why it was cancelled


Dynamic Content

If you know a scripting language such as ASP or PHP you can create these file dynamically. To do this all you need to d is change the header’s on your .asp or .php file so that you tell your users browser that it is a .ICS file and that it should open it in the default calendar application.


header("Content-Type: text/x-vCalendar");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=july-skids.vcs");

Now you can script your file so that each area is dynamically created.


Now with ASP headers

'construct the headers for the file to open as a vcal
Response.ContentType = "text/x-vCalendar"
Response.Expires = -1
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=vcal.vcs;"
Response.Write strFileContent

Published by
May 2, 2011 4:06 am

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I studied Digital Media for 12 months at Mt Druitt TAFE. While  doing so we studied The 3D Modeling Program ‘Maya’. During the course I produced a number of 3D scenes and a couple of 3D animated movies.

I have also played in other programs such as Bryce 3D, 3D Studio Max, Lightwave, Vue D’esprit and a few others. However, i have always returned to Maya as a personal preference.

Bellow are a number of works that i have produced from these various programs.

Bryce 3D: Balls

Vue D’esprit: Sulfuric

Maya: Living Room

Maya: Gauntlet
