

I am a Full-Stack Web & Software Developer with over fifteen years of experience. Over countless hours I have discovered that I have a passion and talent for creating works that are both highly functional and technically sound.

I have also discovered that I have a knack for understanding new theories & concepts – I am an adamant perfectionist when it comes to just about anything I do.

Current Skill set

  • Responsive Mobile first HTML & CSS3 – Bootstrap, SASS
  • JavaScript (Vanilla JS, JQuery, Angular)
  • PHP (Web Server & CRON)
  • CRM / CMS packages – WordPress, OsCommerce, Marketo
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • SEO & PPC
  • Java
  • Python
Legacy Technology
  • ASP (classic)
  • Visual Basic
  • Adobe Flash
Software Packages
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MySQL
  • Jet Brains Web Suite
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • Maya 3d
  • and more…


At the start of 2019, I am entering my 4th year of a 6 year course Studying a Bachelor of
Computer Science with gaming specialisation at Charles Sturt University



A license Pyrotechnician in the state of N.S.W. Australia for over twenty years, performing
professional grade pyrotechnic shows ranging from from Chinese String Crackers, Indoor Close
Proximity Fireworks, Aerial Shells up to 125mm and Aerial Salutes up to 75mm.

A founding member of the Pyrotechnics Industry Association of Australia (PIAA), Based in Sydney
but have performing shows all over NSW for all types of events.

Car Enthusiast

An active member in the Skylines Australia NSW car club I regularly volunteer to help run events.

Social Media

You can connect with me professionally on LinkedIn,
or stalk me through Twitter



Wizardry Fireworks

PRODOCOM Australia

Hannover Fairs Australia

E-Web Marketing

Freelance Websites

Personal Projects

Tipping Comp


National Pyrotechnics

iblott accessories


Dynamically Creating an astonishing iCal-like calendars with jQuery

I found this calendar that I really liked and wanted to take a look into an effective way to put it to use.

Check the original site over at Stefano Verna’s Website – Create astonishing iCal-like calendars with jQuery

I contemplated putting it somewhere on but there really is no need for it on that site, especially when it hasn’t been updated for over 2 years.

Then I thought about, but that site has its fair share of dev work required as it is, without over complicating its already slow development.

While on the train today, I was day dreaming out the window and all of a sudden thought that it could be used for in a Word-Press theme. Then I thought I could have it be the center concept of the post’s on the blog.

So, today I started the conversion to an automated calendar, rather than the static HTML that they used in the original. One major stumbling block was finding a way to determine the first day of the month and what day of the week it was. I finally worked it out with some nifty PHP code and was home free (Or, at-least until i arrived at my train stop en-route to work)

This PHP function will dynamically enter the posts into the flash up DIV’s. The problem is that it will hit the database once every day, so each page load is performing up to 31 database queries just on this section alone. A better way would be to load them all into arrays from 1 query and then generate this section. But, since I’ve all but ditched using this calender i doubt i will be modifying it too much.

function get_event($Year, $Month, $Day) {
	$limit = 200;
	$Day = str_pad($Day, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
	$cal_day = $Year."-".$Month."-".$Day;
	$cal_db = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date LIKE '%".$Year."-".$Month."-".$Day."%' AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date ASC");
	$post_content = $cal_data['post_content'];
	if (strlen($post_content) > $limit) {
		$post_content = substr($post_content, 0, strrpos(substr($post_content, 0, $limit), ' ')) . '...';
	$post_pop_up = '
' . $Day . 

    '; while($cal_data = mysql_fetch_array($cal_db)) { $post_date = explode(" ", $cal_data['post_date']); $post_pop_up .= '
  • ' . $cal_data['post_title'] .'' . $post_content . '
  • '; } $post_pop_up .= '
'; if($cal_day == $post_date[0] && str_pad(date('d'), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT) >= $Day){ echo $post_pop_up; } else if(date('d') == $Day) { echo "".$Day.""; } else { echo "".$Day.""; } }

This section generates the calender section itself. It will determine what day of the week the month starts and will generate the calender from there.
In it, it calls the get_event() function for each day and post’s a short character restricted section from the start of the post.

REMEMBER: This is my hacked version of Create astonishing iCal-like calendars with jQuery

A lot of people have contacted me about the imcompleteness of this code. My intention is to not re-create the work of Stefano Verna. I am posting this to further instruct how to generate a more dynamic version of the work that pulls details out of the WordPress database

It does NOT contain the required CSS or jQuery code here for this to look correct, if you simple copy this code you will basically get a huge mess of not much, HOWEVER – It does contain the CSS Class and ID labels to work with the original calendar

If you are after the original files check out Stefano Verna’s work.

Published by
April 21, 2009 7:52 am

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I studied Digital Media for 12 months at Mt Druitt TAFE. While  doing so we studied The 3D Modeling Program ‘Maya’. During the course I produced a number of 3D scenes and a couple of 3D animated movies.

I have also played in other programs such as Bryce 3D, 3D Studio Max, Lightwave, Vue D’esprit and a few others. However, i have always returned to Maya as a personal preference.

Bellow are a number of works that i have produced from these various programs.

Bryce 3D: Balls

Vue D’esprit: Sulfuric

Maya: Living Room

Maya: Gauntlet
